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What is Wrapped Ethereum

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Jun 8, 2023

What is Wrapped Ethereum?

Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) is a type of digital asset that represents Ether (ETH) on the Ethereum blockchain in the form of an ERC-20 token. This token is used to make trading, lending, and borrowing of ETH easier on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and other Ethereum-based protocols.

The idea of wrapping ETH in an ERC-20 token is to create more liquidity for the currency and bring it into the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. The creators of WETH hope to make ETH more accessible, as it can now be traded on a variety of DEXs alongside other Ethereum-based tokens.

How WETH Works

WETH works by having users deposit ETH into a smart contract that holds the ETH and then mints an equivalent amount of WETH tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This WETH token can then be used in decentralized exchanges and other DeFi protocols, just like any other ERC-20 token. When the user wants to convert their WETH back to ETH, they simply send the WETH tokens back to the smart contract, which then burns the WETH tokens and releases the corresponding amount of ETH to the user's address.

One of the main benefits of using WETH is that it allows traders on DEXs to make trades more quickly and easily. Instead of having to trade one token for another and then trade that token for ETH, traders can simply use WETH as a trading pair for any other ERC-20 token, making trades more efficient and cost-effective. WETH also makes it easier to lend and borrow ETH on DeFi platforms, as it can be used as collateral for loans and can be borrowed by others looking to trade on DEXs.

The Benefits of WETH

There are several benefits to using WETH:

  • Increased liquidity: By wrapping ETH in an ERC-20 token, it becomes more accessible to traders on DEXs and other DeFi protocols, increasing its overall liquidity and usability.
  • Better efficiency: WETH makes trading on DEXs more efficient, as it eliminates the need to trade one token for another and then trade that token for ETH.
  • Access to DeFi: With the use of WETH, users can now take advantage of the many DeFi applications that are available on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Integration with existing tools: Because WETH is an ERC-20 token, it can be integrated with existing wallets, exchanges, and other tools that support the standard.


Wrapped Ethereum is an important step in the evolution of the Ethereum blockchain and decentralized finance. By allowing users to easily trade, lend, and borrow ETH on DEXs and other DeFi protocols, WETH has increased liquidity and made it easier for users to take advantage of the many benefits of DeFi. With the continued growth and adoption of DeFi, it's likely that the use of WETH and other wrapped tokens will only continue to grow in popularity and importance.

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