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Earn free Bitcoin

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Jun 12, 2023

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has taken the world by storm. It’s digital value has climbed to unprecedented heights and has made early investors quite wealthy. However, not everyone has the capital to invest in Bitcoin. That’s where earning free Bitcoin comes in. This post will detail the various methods by which you can earn free Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Faucets

Bitcoin faucets are websites or apps that pay users a small amount of Bitcoin for completing simple tasks. These tasks could be things like watching an ad, completing a survey, or solving a captcha. Though the payouts are minuscule, they can add up over time. Some of the popular Bitcoin faucets include FreeBitcoin, Cointiply, and Bonus Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is the process by which new Bitcoin is created. Miners use specialized hardware to solve complex mathematical equations and earn Bitcoin in return. For a casual user, mining is not a feasible way of earning Bitcoin. However, there are cloud mining services that allow users to rent or buy mining power and receive payouts in Bitcoin. Some popular cloud mining services include Hashflare, Genesis Mining, and Bitdeer.

Bitcoin Affiliate Programs

Many companies offer affiliate programs wherein users can promote their products or services and earn commissions in Bitcoin. For example, if you have a website or a social media presence, you can promote a Bitcoin wallet or a cryptocurrency exchange and receive a commission for every user that signs up through your link. Some popular Bitcoin affiliate programs include Coinbase, Trezor, and Ledger.

Bitcoin Games

Another fun way to earn free Bitcoin is by playing games that offer Bitcoin rewards. These rewards can be in the form of Satoshis, which is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. There are several games that offer Bitcoin rewards, including Bitcoin Alien, Bitcoin Flapper, and Bitcoin Popper.


While earning free Bitcoin may seem like a slow and tedious process, it can be rewarding in the long run. By using a combination of the methods listed above, you can accumulate a significant amount of Bitcoin without investing any capital. However, it is important to remember that earning free Bitcoin is not a substitute for investing in Bitcoin. It is simply a way to supplement your investment and increase your exposure to the world of cryptocurrencies.

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