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Layer 1 vs layer 2 vs layer 3 blockchain scaling solutions

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Jul 15, 2023

Blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries by providing a secure and decentralized way to store and exchange information. However, as it becomes more widely adopted, the scalability issue of blockchain has become increasingly apparent. Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 scaling solutions have emerged as potential ways to address this challenge and enable blockchain networks to handle higher transaction volumes. In this blog post, we will explore the differences and benefits of each approach.

Layer 1 Scaling Solutions

Layer 1 scaling solutions tackle the blockchain scalability issue at its core protocol layer. They involve making changes to the underlying blockchain technology itself to improve its performance and increase the number of transactions that can be processed per second.

One of the most well-known Layer 1 scaling solutions is increasing the block size. In the case of Bitcoin, for example, the block size is limited to 1 MB, which significantly limits the number of transactions that can be included in each block. By increasing the block size, more transactions can be processed in each block, leading to higher throughput.

However, increasing the block size has its drawbacks. Larger blocks require more storage space, which can make running a full node more resource-intensive and less accessible to individuals with limited computational resources. Furthermore, larger blocks take longer to propagate across the network, potentially leading to an increase in the number of orphaned blocks and forks.

Another Layer 1 scaling solution is the implementation of sharding. Sharding involves splitting the blockchain's state and transaction history into smaller pieces called shards. Each shard can process its own set of transactions, enabling the network to handle a higher volume of transactions in parallel.

Sharding, however, comes with its own set of challenges. Coordinating and ensuring the security of multiple shards can be complex, as it requires careful design and coordination between shard validators. Additionally, sharding can introduce potential data availability and cross-shard communication problems.

Layer 1 scaling solutions offer the benefit of directly improving the base blockchain layer, resulting in improved performance and increased transaction capacity. However, they often require significant changes to the underlying protocol and can introduce new challenges and complexities.

Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

Layer 2 scaling solutions, as the name suggests, focus on building additional layers on top of the base blockchain layer. These solutions aim to reduce the burden on the base layer by offloading some of the transactions and computational requirements to secondary layers.

One of the most popular Layer 2 scaling solutions is the implementation of payment channels, commonly associated with the Lightning Network. Payment channels enable users to create off-chain payment channels between themselves, where multiple transactions can be conducted without every transaction being recorded on the main blockchain. This approach significantly reduces the number of transactions that need to be processed and validated on the main blockchain, allowing for faster and more scalable transactions.

Another Layer 2 scaling solution is called sidechains. Sidechains are independent blockchains that are connected to the main blockchain. They allow users to transfer assets from the main chain to the sidechain, where transactions can be processed faster and with lower fees. Once the desired operations are completed on the sidechain, the assets can be transferred back to the main chain.

Similar to payment channels, sidechains help alleviate the scalability issue by reducing the number of transactions that need to be processed on the main chain. However, implementing secure and efficient sidechain solutions can be challenging, as it requires careful design and consideration of cross-chain communication and interoperability.

Layer 2 scaling solutions offer the advantage of reducing the burden on the base blockchain layer without requiring significant changes to the underlying protocol. They can provide significant scalability improvements and faster transaction processing. However, they often introduce additional complexities and may require users to trust the operators of the secondary layers.

Layer 3 Scaling Solutions

Layer 3 scaling solutions take a different approach by focusing on scaling specific use cases and applications built on top of the blockchain. Rather than addressing the scalability issue at the protocol or network level, Layer 3 solutions prioritize scaling individual dapps (decentralized applications) or specific functionalities.

One example of a Layer 3 scaling solution is state channels. State channels are similar to payment channels in Layer 2 solutions, but they are designed to support more complex interactions and smart contract execution. State channels allow users to conduct a series of off-chain interactions, only settling the final state on the main chain. This approach significantly reduces the load on the main chain, as only the final state needs to be recorded.

Another Layer 3 scaling solution is the use of side-state networks. Side-state networks enable users to store and process smart contract states off-chain, while still benefiting from the security and decentralization of the main chain. By separating the storage and execution of smart contract states from the main chain, side-state networks can significantly increase the scalability and performance of specific dapps or functionalities.

Layer 3 scaling solutions offer the advantage of tailoring scalability improvements to specific dapps or functionalities without impacting the entire blockchain network. They can deliver significant performance gains and alleviate the scalability issues for specific use cases. However, they require careful integration and coordination with the underlying blockchain infrastructure.


Blockchain scalability is a crucial challenge that must be addressed to enable the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 scaling solutions provide different approaches to tackle this issue, each with its own set of benefits and considerations.

Layer 1 scaling solutions focus on improving the base blockchain layer to increase transaction capacity and performance. They often require significant changes to the underlying protocol but can result in direct improvements to the entire network.

Layer 2 scaling solutions build additional layers on top of the base blockchain layer to offload some of the transactions and computational requirements. They provide scalable solutions without requiring major changes to the underlying protocol but can introduce additional complexities and reliance on secondary layers.

Layer 3 scaling solutions prioritize scaling specific use cases and applications built on top of the blockchain. They offer tailored solutions to individual dapps or functionalities, improving scalability for specific use cases while maintaining the security and decentralization of the underlying blockchain.

It is important to note that these scaling solutions are not mutually exclusive and can be combined to achieve even greater scalability improvements. Blockchain scalability will continue to be a subject of ongoing research and development, as the technology strives to meet the demands of a global and decentralized economy.

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