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What is an NFT

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Jun 8, 2023

What is an NFT?

NFT or Non-Fungible Tokens have been all over the news and social media for some time now. If you're into cryptocurrencies, you've probably already heard about them. But what exactly is an NFT and what makes them so special?

In simple terms, NFTs are digital assets that are unique and cannot be interchanged with one another. Unlike cryptocurrencies, each NFT has its own value, and they are not interchangeable like tokens. In essence, NFTs are a new way to authenticate digital ownership of assets such as art, music, videos, and even tweets.

So, why are NFTs so popular, and what sets them apart from other cryptocurrencies?

The Value of NFTs

NFTs have taken the art world by storm, selling for millions of dollars at various auctions like Christie's. The record for the most expensive NFT sale is currently $69 million made by Beeple, the digital artist, in March 2021. It's essential to understand that NFTs allow digital artists to sell their works without having to go through traditional art dealership channels, giving them more control and ownership of their creations.

The value of NFTs derives from their underlying asset. Therefore, an NFT attached to an iconic moment, song, or any other valuable asset may be worth millions of dollars.

The Technology behind NFTs

The blockchain technology that powers most cryptocurrencies underpins NFTs as well. Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is the most popular blockchain used for creating NFTs. NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain use the ERC-721 standard, which supports the creation of unique tokens with different values.

The ERC-721 token standard ensures that each NFT is unique through specific smart contracts. These contracts can verify the authenticity of NFTs and guarantee ownership, making it impossible to copy or duplicate. The smart contracts also ensure that NFTs are unalterable, meaning that their core aspects cannot be changed in any way.

The Future of NFTs

The use cases for NFTs are enormous, and we've only scratched the surface of their possibilities. Beyond art, music, and videos, NFTs can be used for gaming, virtual real estate, and many more. NFTs have the power to disrupt many industries by changing the relationship between creators and their audiences.

As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to grow, NFTs may become commonplace and even lead to the creation of a new economy built around digital assets.


In summary, NFTs are digital assets built on blockchain technology that allows creators to sell their work with confidence. The authenticity of these assets is ensured by smart contracts, making it impossible to duplicate or change them in any way. NFTs have the potential to change the way the world values digital assets and provides creators more control and ownership over their creations.

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